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  • Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics 2: Semantics, Discourse and Applications

    semantics nlp

    A further step toward a proper subeventual meaning representation is proposed in Brown et al. (2018, 2019), where it is argued that, in order to adequately model change, the VerbNet representation must track the change in the assignment of values to attributes as the event unfolds. For example, simple transitions (achievements) encode either an intrinsic predicate opposition (die encodes going from ¬dead(e1, x) to dead(e2, x)), or a specified relational opposition (arrive encodes going from ¬loc_at(e1, x, y) to loc_at(e2, x, y)). Creation predicates and accomplishments generally also encode predicate oppositions.

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    This involves looking at the words in a statement and identifying their true meaning. By analyzing the structure of the words, computers can piece together the true meaning of a statement. For example, “I love you” could be interpreted as either a statement of affection or sarcasm by looking at the words and analyzing their structure. The most popular of these types of approaches that have been recently developed are ELMo, short for Embeddings from Language Models [14], and BERT, or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers [15].

    1. Application of GL to VerbNet Representations

    The possibility of translating text and speech to different languages has always been one of the main interests in the NLP field. From the first attempts to translate text from Russian to English in the 1950s to state-of-the-art deep learning neural systems, machine translation has seen significant improvements but still presents challenges. Apply deep learning techniques to paraphrase the text and produce sentences that are not present in the original source (abstraction-based summarization). These are the types of vague elements that frequently appear in human language and that machine learning algorithms have historically been bad at interpreting. Now, with improvements in deep learning and machine learning methods, algorithms can effectively interpret them. One challenge with semantic role labeling is that while easier to parse it only maps the verb predicate argument information for a given sentence as such the representation inherently fails to capture important contextual relations between adverbs and adjectives.

    semantics nlp

    It’s a good way to get started (like logistic or linear regression in data science), but it isn’t cutting edge and it is possible to do it way better. Named entity recognition (NER) concentrates on determining which items in a text (i.e. the “named entities”) can be located and classified into predefined categories. These categories can range from the names of persons, organizations and locations to monetary values and percentages. Now, imagine all the English words in the vocabulary with all their different fixations at the end of them. To store them all would require a huge database containing many words that actually have the same meaning. Popular algorithms for stemming include the Porter stemming algorithm from 1979, which still works well.

    Semantic decomposition (natural language processing)

    Semantic analysis is a branch of general linguistics which is the process of understanding the meaning of the text. The process enables computers to identify and make sense of documents, paragraphs, sentences, and words as a whole. This article has provided an overview of some of the challenges involved with semantic processing in NLP, as well as the role of semantics in natural language understanding. A deeper look into each of those challenges and their implications can help us better understand how to solve them. Semantic processing is the most important challenge in NLP and affects results the most.

    semantics nlp

    In this section we will explore the issues faced with the compositionality of representations, and the main “trends”, which correspond somewhat to the categories already presented. Again, these categories are not entirely disjoint, and methods presented in one class can be often interpreted to belonging into another class. Distributional semantics is an important area of research in natural language processing that aims to describe meaning of words and sentences with vectorial representations . Natural language is inherently a discrete symbolic representation of human knowledge. Sounds are transformed in letters or ideograms and these discrete symbols are composed to obtain words.

    Tasks involved in Semantic Analysis

    This course presents an introduction to Natural language processing (NLP) with an emphasis on computational semantics i.e. the process of constructing and reasoning with meaning representations of natural language text. Businesses use massive quantities of unstructured, text-heavy data and need a way to efficiently process it. A lot of the information created online and stored in databases is natural human language, and until recently, businesses could not effectively analyze this data. Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken and written — referred to as natural language. Semantic search brings intelligence to search engines, and natural language processing and understanding are important components.

    What is an example of semantics?

    Semantics is the study of meaning in language. It can be applied to entire texts or to single words. For example, ‘destination’ and ‘last stop’ technically mean the same thing, but students of semantics analyze their subtle shades of meaning.

    Even though stemmers can lead to less-accurate results, they are easier to build and perform faster than lemmatizers. But lemmatizers are recommended if you’re seeking more precise linguistic rules. This example is useful to see how the lemmatization changes the sentence using its base form (e.g., the word “feet”” was changed to “foot”). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This will help you to stay ahead of the competition and make sure that you’re using the best possible techniques for your SEO strategy. In recent years, the focus has shifted – at least for some SEO Experts – from keyword targeting to topic clusters.

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    Give an example of a yes-no question and a complement question to which the rules in the last section can apply. For each example, show the intermediate steps in deriving the logical form for the question. How to fine-tune retriever models to find relevant contexts in vector databases.

    The semantic analysis uses two distinct techniques to obtain information from text or corpus of data. The first technique refers to text classification, while the second relates to text extractor. Apart from these vital elements, the semantic analysis also uses semiotics and collocations to understand and interpret language. Semiotics refers to what the word means and also the meaning it evokes or communicates. For example, ‘tea’ refers to a hot beverage, while it also evokes refreshment, alertness, and many other associations. SaaS tools, on the other hand, are ready-to-use solutions that allow you to incorporate NLP into tools you already use simply and with very little setup.

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    For this, we use a single subevent e1 with a subevent-modifying duration predicate to differentiate the representation from ones like (20) in which a single subevent process is unbounded. Syntactic analysis (syntax) and semantic analysis (semantic) are the two primary techniques that lead to the understanding of natural language. The semantics, or meaning, of an expression in natural language can

    be abstractly represented as a logical form. Once an expression

    has been fully parsed and its syntactic ambiguities resolved, its meaning

    should be uniquely represented in logical form.

    semantics nlp

    Both FrameNet and VerbNet group verbs semantically, although VerbNet takes into consideration the syntactic regularities of the verbs as well. Both resources define semantic roles for these verb groupings, with VerbNet roles being fewer, more coarse-grained, and restricted to central participants in the events. What we are most concerned with here is the representation of a class’s (or frame’s) semantics. In FrameNet, this is done with a prose description naming the semantic roles and their contribution to the frame. For example, the Ingestion frame is defined with “An Ingestor consumes food or drink (Ingestibles), which entails putting the Ingestibles in the mouth for delivery to the digestive system.

    Part I A Comprehensive Mathematical Framework for the Development of Semantic Technologies

    This representation follows the GL model by breaking down the transition into a process and several states that trace the phases of the event. In Classic VerbNet, the semantic form implied that the entire atomic event is caused by an Agent, i.e., cause(Agent, E), as seen in 4. You can find out what a group of clustered words mean by doing principal component analysis (PCA) or dimensionality reduction with T-SNE, but this can sometimes be misleading because they oversimplify and leave a lot of information on the side.

    What are the 3 kinds of semantics?

    • Formal semantics.
    • Lexical semantics.
    • Conceptual semantics.

    Studying a language cannot be separated from studying the meaning of that language because when one is learning a language, we are also learning the meaning of the language. Relationship extraction involves first identifying various entities present in the sentence and then extracting the relationships between those entities. Relationship extraction is the task of detecting the semantic relationships present in a text.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP): What Is It & How Does it Work?

    This can be done by looking at the relationships between words in a given statement. For example, “I love you” can be interpreted as a statement of love and affection because it contains words like “love” that are related to each other in a meaningful way. Semantic processing uses a variety of linguistic principles to turn language into meaningful data that computers can process. By understanding the underlying meaning of a statement, computers can accurately interpret what is being said. For example, a statement like “I love you” could be interpreted as a statement of love and affection, or it could be interpreted as a statement of sarcasm.

    • Of course, we know that sometimes capitalization does change the meaning of a word or phrase.
    • Discourse and text representation as well as automatic discourse segmentation and interpretation, and anaphora resolution are the subject of the third chapter.
    • A ‘search autocomplete‘ functionality is one such type that predicts what a user intends to search based on previously searched queries.
    • Semantic analysis tech is highly beneficial for the customer service department of any company.
    • • Predicates consistently used across classes and hierarchically related for flexible granularity.
    • By analyzing the syntax of a sentence, algorithms can identify words that are related to each other.

    For example, when someone says, “I’m going to the store,” the word “store” is the main piece of information; it tells us where the person is going. The word “going” tells us how the person gets there (by walking, riding in a car, or other means). From the 2014 GloVe paper itself, the algorithm is described as “…essentially a log-bilinear model with a weighted least-squares objective. Some of the simplest forms of text vectorization include one-hot encoding and count vectors (or bag of words), techniques. These techniques simply encode a given word against a backdrop of dictionary set of words, typically using a simple count metric (number of times a word shows up in a given document for example). More advanced frequency metrics are also sometimes used however, such that the given “relevance” for a term or word is not simply a reflection of its frequency, but its relative frequency across a corpus of documents.

    • This distinction between adjectives qualifying a patient and those qualifying an agent (in the linguistic meanings) is critical for properly structuring information and avoiding misinterpretation.
    • If some verbs in a class realize a particular phase as a process and others do not, we generalize away from ë and use the underspecified e instead.
    • Even though stemmers can lead to less-accurate results, they are easier to build and perform faster than lemmatizers.
    • But deep learning is a more flexible, intuitive approach in which algorithms learn to identify speakers’ intent from many examples — almost like how a child would learn human language.
    • Although there are doubts, natural language processing is making significant strides in the medical imaging field.
    • This analysis gives the power to computers to understand and interpret sentences, paragraphs, or whole documents, by analyzing their grammatical structure, and identifying the relationships between individual words of the sentence in a particular context.

    Since there was only a single event variable, any ordering or subinterval information needed to be performed as second-order operations. For example, temporal sequencing was indicated with the second-order predicates, start, during, and end, which were included as arguments of the appropriate first-order predicates. We also presented a prototype of text analytics NLP algorithms integrated into KNIME workflows using Java snippet nodes. This is a configurable pipeline that takes unstructured scientific, academic, and educational texts as inputs and returns structured data as the output. Users can specify preprocessing settings and analyses to be run on an arbitrary number of topics. The output of NLP text analytics can then be visualized graphically on the resulting similarity index.

    • Clearly, then, the primary pattern is to use NLP to extract structured data from text-based documents.
    • As an Open Source Engineer at Microsoft’s Cloud Developer Advocacy team, he collaborates with Israeli Hi-Tech Community, to solve real world problems with game changing technologies that are then documented, open sourced, and shared with the rest of the world.
    • Semantic

      analysis of natural language expressions and generation of their logical

      forms is the subject of this chapter.

    • I am an AI enthusiast with a passion for engaging with new technologies, history, and computational medicine.
    • In revising these semantic representations, we made changes that touched on every part of VerbNet.
    • If a representation needs to show that a process begins or ends during the scope of the event, it does so by way of pre- or post-state subevents bookending the process.

    What is semantic in machine learning?

    In machine learning, semantic analysis of a corpus is the task of building structures that approximate concepts from a large set of documents. It generally does not involve prior semantic understanding of the documents. A metalanguage based on predicate logic can analyze the speech of humans.

  • Just how can an American Get married to a Vietnamese Woman?

    Vietnamese women of all ages have become popular among west men seeking an important relationship. This is because they are really highly family-oriented and are known for their loyalty to their partners. They are also very loving and submissive, which can be another reason so why they bring western males. However , it is vital to know that dating and marriage are two different things in Vietnam. Therefore, it is important to consider the time to appreciate this culture just before embarking on a great world-wide marriage.

    A lot of Vietnamese girls will consider marriage to a foreigner as a way to improve their fiscal scenario and have a much better lifestyle. A few of all of them even declare that their foreign marriages have offered them a sense of freedom. Actually a recent review on the satisfaction of Vietnamese ladies with their intercontinental marriages revealed that 83. 6% are satisfied using their marriages chiefly due to the improvement of their materials lives.

    In addition to that, various Vietnamese ladies are drawn to the notion penalized able to live abroad and to be able to have an even more stable life for children. The American lifestyle has a great influence on the Japanese people, and a lot of them are eager to learn more about the US, its values, plus the way of living presently there. This has led to a high volume of Vietnamese women of all ages marrying American men, particularly those from the The southern part of region of the country.

    Before you can legally marry a vietnamese female, you need to make sure that all of your paperwork is at order. For instance a valid marital life certificate from your country or condition where wedding event takes place. You can get more information upon what docs you need to release for a legal matrimony in your home region by checking the U. S. State Department’s Reciprocity and Civil Documents by Country list.

    Additionally , you must also present a certified copy of your fiance’s passport or a great authenticated copy of her delivery certificate and divorce decree if perhaps applicable. Last but not least, you must develop a sworn complaint that reports your single status. This is usually sold at the embassy or représentation of the country.

    If you’re a north american citizen, you can get married to a Vietnamese girl in her home country upon what is called a fiance visa. This is a brief visa that permits one to marry her and then sign up for an immigrant visa to bring her into the Usa Advises, which will at some point give her permanent residency in the country.

    Before you can get married to a Japanese woman, you will need to meet her in person. This will help you get to find out her on a more personal level. If you need to marry a Vietnamese girl, it’s suggested that you contact her family initial to make arrangements. Be aware that most Vietnamese the entire family prefer to see their particular future fiances for at least one or two months just before they permission to the marriage. In addition , the age space between you and the Vietnamese wife should not go beyond 30 years.

  • Online dating in Other Countries Can Be a Wonderful Experience

    One of the most prevalent desires that folks have should be to find appreciate. Unfortunately, locating a soul mate may be difficult for some different factors. It might be against company insurance plan to date co-workers or simply the bar picture just is not your thing. Thankfully, there is a solution that is becoming more popular in this era: online dating.

    When using the world turning out to be small and more linked, it’s not rare to start a loving relationship with someone who hails from a different nation than you do. Some of these romantic relationships end up sustainable a long time and perhaps becoming relationships. While some of the obstacles can be challenging (such language limitations or social differences), online dating someone out of another region can even be a wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

    Many of these couples have their root base in online dating services. This is probably the easiest way for them to meet the other person and to possess a solid base for their marriage. Quite often, these lovers already have some information about their very own partners prior to they actually match them (whether it end up being reading an account or having fairly comprehensive conversations by using text or perhaps phone).

    The greatest thing generates long-distance multicultural relationships work is determination. People who are interested in their partners usually have the drive to find out a new language, overcome problems in communication, spend cash and period on education, compromise, talk about goals and family group, and much more. Eventually, these solid motivations will make or break the relationship.

  • Seeing in Other Countries Can be quite a Wonderful Knowledge

    One of the most prevalent desires that folks have is to find like. Unfortunately, finding a soul mate could be difficult for many different causes. It might be against company insurance policy to date co-workers or maybe the bar location just is not your thing. Luckily, there is a remedy that is gaining popularity in this era: online dating.

    Considering the world starting to be smaller sized and more linked, it’s not odd to start an intimate relationship with someone who hails from a different country than you carry out. Some of these interactions end up lasting a long time and perhaps becoming marriages. While some of the obstacles may be challenging (like language limitations or ethnical differences), dating someone from another region can even be a wonderful and once-in-a-lifetime knowledge.

    Many of these lovers have their root base in online dating. This might be the easiest way to help them to meet each other and to currently have a solid base for their relationship. Many times, these lovers already have a lot of information about their particular partners before they actually meet them (whether it become reading a profile or having fairly intensive conversations by using text or phone).

    The largest thing that makes long-distance modern relationships do the job is inspiration. People who are serious about their companions usually have the drive to master a new vocabulary, overcome troubles in communication, spend some money and time on education, compromise, talk about outlook and family group, and much more. In the end, these solid motivations will make or break the relationship.

  • Where to find Single Prosperous Me

    A lot of ladies would love to night out a prosperous man. While men with cash often get a awful reputation to get gold diggers, there are several rich men out there who are looking to settle down with a exquisite woman. During your stay on island are not tips and tricks to finding the right guy, it’s actually about knowing the best places to look.

    The best place to find one wealthy me is to show up at situations and spots where guys with cash tend to congregate. These types of places consist of investment and wealth control seminars, real estate investment open residences, and other happenings geared towards prosperous businessmen. These are great places to strike up a conversation and find out if there is curiosity on both sides.

    Work out meet single wealthy me latin ladies for marriage is to visit sale houses and other similar places where there are a lot of those who are interested in shopping for and selling high-priced items. It’s rather a little intimidating, but once you go prepared and know what to expect, you may help to make some good connectors with potential dates below. Just be sure to costume to impress and also have a good comprehension of the value of the products being sold.

    If you’re not quite ready to meet up with someone in person, there are plenty of online dating sites focused on matching wealthy singles with other available singles. MillionaireMatch is one of the popular choices, and it has numerous features making it stand out from other sites, including Facebook sign-in, mobile programs, and a passionate Special Affiliates Director who helps you set up your account. Along with the traditional matchmaking, the site offers verified riches and salary bank checks to ensure that your potential complements are really well-off.

    SugarDaddyMeet is another great option for the looking for a prosperous relationship. Here is a website a straightforward registration procedure, and it’s obtainable in several countries around the world. Furthermore to offering traditional matchmaking, it also gives a unique Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby program that pairs wealthy you with youthful partners.

    Another good options are Luxy, a more recent site that offers an incentive-based method dating designed for the most wealthy. This site enables users to supply incentives for initially dates, which can be a great way to break the ice and start discussing. This site has already been featured in a number of high-profile publications, including The New york city Times and CNBC, so it is definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in meeting a wealthy partner.

    The ultimate way to meet single rich me is to be yourself and become ready for anything at all. Rich guys can be very stressful and will have a whole lot of dilemma in their lives, so it’s crucial that you be able to take care of that sort of pressure. Additionally , it’s a good idea to possess a solid social circle that will help you through troublesome patches and support you in your undertakings. With the right frame of mind and some mindful planning, you could find the perfect wealthy man for you.

  • A Beginner’s Tips for Online Dating

    Online dating is one of the most common methods people find new friends and can be a great way to find an individual with who you have anything in common. Yet , it can also be intimidating russian mail order brides and even overwhelming to dive in to – particularly if you’re simply getting started! The good news is, there are a few key things should know prior to starting swiping right and left.

    It’s essential to remember that dating is a process : it will require time to locate the person you’re looking for. It’s also a big financial commitment of your time, therefore be careful not to jump in also deep ahead of you know that she or he is worth the effort!

    If you’re looking for a spouse, it can be attractive to treat every interaction because an opportunity to find that special person. However , that’s a slippery incline that can without difficulty lead to frustration, frustration, and burnout. Rather, look at every interaction as a learning experience. Utilize the process to know more about what you happen to be seeking within a partner, and what kinds of interactions work best to suit your needs.

    You might really want to avoid producing any ideas until you experience comfortable that your person is definitely serious about meeting up in proper existence. But if you happen to be feeling prepared to take the next step, it’s essential to set obvious boundaries using your potential match. It is fine to recommend meeting just for coffee or lunch, but be sure to limit the life long your interacting with to an hour so that you can be mindful of their body language and indicators.

    Should you be unable to resist the temptation to pay more time with a date, it’s a good idea to locate a way to remain the activity in the real world. For instance , if you’re dating someone who enjoys painting, try finding a local group that meets designed for paint nights and invite them to join you! You can locate groups through social media and connect with other folks who write about your interests.

    Another choice is to make friends online and then get together in the real-world to perform a distributed activity, including jogging or pilates classes. That is a great way to get acquainted with a person and build trust prior to you invest in a better relationship.

    It’s attractive to think of dating as a volumes game, along with the more goes you go about, the better your chances are of finding someone. But , like with any endeavor that requires putting your self out there, you’ll likely have some awful dates as you go along. If a time is not really a huge fit for everyone, don’t be frightened to swipe left! It is very better to miss out on a potentially good relationship than to waste your time with someone who is not really a match. This is true whether youre dating online or perhaps in person!

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  • Serbian Wedding Traditions

    The wedding serbian mail order brides day is actually an exciting time for a couple. It is a chance to indicate with friends and family, to welcome a new addition to the family members, to make exquisite memories, but most importantly it is a the perfect time to get married! Serbia is no exception, in fact very low lot of very unique wedding traditions. The ceremony is usually traditionally saved in the house of worship, followed by a massive reception with lots of delicious food.

    Significant part of a serbian marriage ceremony is definitely the etko. This can be a traditional wedding wreath made of many materials and often provides a peacock feather. It represents the bride’s wish to be agricultural and also serves as a prevention of evil frame of mind. The wedding couple are accompanied by their very own kum and best guy during this routine.

    One other tradition certainly is the ibenjak. It is a decorative piece of clothing that represents the couple’s long term children. The bride and groom put it on during the ceremony and then exchange rings to mark all their official entrance into marriage. Following your couple exchanges rings, they are officially congratulated by participants of both equally families. Generally a member of 1 side or the other gives them funds in thanks, commonly $10 — $100 (depending on their generosity).

    Before the formal involvement took place, the star of the event and her family would definitely spend many months sewing and embroidering clothes, linens, towels and other things that were to be given mainly because gifts relating to the wedding day. A very interesting customized was to break dishes, specifically tumbler ones, with the bride’s house. This served two usages: it symbolized the disregarding of an classic, unhappy relationship and it also warded off demons and other nasty spirits.

    Once the couple got employed, it was normal for a guy to visit the girl’s father and ask with regards to permission to marry his daughter. Any time she explained yes, he’d present her with her “miraz”, which could include anything via bed sheets to housewares to furniture to even money and land. The bride’s father and mother were very particular regarding who was permitted to marry their daughters, because they wanted their initial male offspring.

    One of the most touching and funny traditions is the “buying the bride”. It was prevalent for groom’s brother to use money in her sneaker as a way of asking her to get married to him. In the event she rejected, he was instructed to place the money to incorporate financing her shoe. The soon-to-be husband would afterward take her to his place and may offer her a drink using a sign that indicated that she accepted his proposal.

    After leaving the church, the couple is congratulated simply by all. Anybody who grabs the biedermeier, a decorative bloom, is then next to acquire wedded (it will produce some very comical scenes). Before the newlyweds go home they are really showered with wheat or perhaps rice for the purpose of fertility. They are simply then wished a challenging and happy life by way of a godparents, kum, the best guy, and the bride’s father.

  • Internet dating Foreigners May be Exciting and Romantic – But It May also be Difficult

    When you night out a foreigner, it can be extremely exciting and romantic. 2 weeks . great chance to immerse your self in another culture, learn a new language, and discover the world off their perspective. But they have not with out its issues. There are a lot of what you should take into account before jumping headfirst to a relationship with someone by abroad.

    First of all, you will need to be honest on your own about your causes. If you’re just looking for a fun way to travel or want to impress your friends, it may not end up being the right healthy for you. You’ll also need to be happy to make several sacrifices, like giving up your home country, residing in a foreign a single, and possibly browsing through the complicated process of Visa for australia applications.

    When you are seriously devoted to your partner, these items won’t be a great deal of problem. Nevertheless you’ll nonetheless need to be ready for prolonged distance romantic relationships, which can often have a toll with your emotions and well-being. It can be helpful to speak openly about your expectations, expectations, and dreams together with your partner and to get ways to support each other if the going gets rough.

    Another thing to consider that the life will more than likely revolve around travelling if you’re going out with foreign people. You’ll be going backwards and forwards to visit each other, meet family members, and be present at happenings. This can be a big commitment, and it can end up being expensive.

    Finally, it’s important to remember that many foreign people are used to a different sort of lifestyle than you might be accustomed to. They’re just more spontaneous and less organised than you, which can be a bit frustrating at times. You’ll want to remember that they might have different views about specific issues, such as gender tasks and relationships.

    Internet dating has made available a whole new world for those who are considering connecting with people from unique countries and cultures. Generally there can be a number of websites that focus on matching singles with international appointments, and some also offer translation services. To get started, you’ll want to create a account with superior quality photos and a detailed explanation of your character and values. Many of these sites also ask you to answer a series of questions or complete a questions, which can help them match you with potential fits.

    Match has a exceptional system that allows users to create a profile by answering a short to discover and completing a detailed personality questionnaire. This info is used to help the site set users depending on their suitability score. The internet site offers a no cost basic fitness center, but you can upgrade to premium for further features.

    Adult Good friend Finder is yet another dating site that is geared toward connecting people from all over the world. The site allows you to browse through profiles based on their age, location, and interests, and it includes features that allow you to search for individuals that speak a specialized vocabulary. You can also use the site’s online video chat characteristic to communicate with your complements.